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AJKA (Anonymous, 92.40.184.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Should I use Mysimba despite nausea and vomiting?

Since March I have been on Trulicity injections 3 mg to date for 5 days Mysimba has been attached. From the moment of turning on the mouse, nausea, vomiting began. It adheres to the recommendations of the endocrinologist( walks, bicycle). Should I stop Mysimbe? Is it that happens for the first few days and you have to survive it. Overweight 30 kg, Hashimoto.Com. I take 1 tablet after breakfast.

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

During the first weeks of treatment with Trulicity and Mysimba, complaints such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may appear. It is very important to remember about additional hydration. It is likely that the addition of Mysimba may have caused these symptoms. In this thread, I have listed tips that may be helpful in this case. The question concerned another drug, but the advice on how to deal with nausea may also be the same in your case: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/73654/saxenda-przy-dawce-1-2-mg-saxenda-zle-sie-czuje-mam-zaparcia-nudnosci-bole-b In the event of worsening of these symptoms, weakness, difficulties in everyday functioning - it is worth consulting a doctor and deciding together whether it is worth continuing such therapy in your case.

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