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Polly (Anonymous, 188.33.248.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What is the difference in the action of Medikinet CR with modified release from Concerta with prolonged action in the same doses?

What is the difference in the operation of Medikinet CR o zmodyf.uwaln. from Concerta with prel.action in the same doses? What exactly does the release of active substances look like in hours?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Concerta is available in doses of 18 mg and 36 mg. There is no version of Medikinet - either in tablet form or in modified release capsules - that has exactly the same methylphenidate hydrochloride content. Therefore, it is not possible to answer in relation to 'the same doses'. Medikinet CR comes in doses from 5 mg to 40 mg. The release of the active substance from Medikinet CR and the increase in its plasma concentration shows two phases: the initial one with a sharp elevation (as in "ordinary" immediate-release tablets, where on average after 1-2 hours a concentration peak is reached) - this guarantees obtaining the maximum concentration quite quickly, and the second phase with an increase in concentration occurring about 3 hours later, followed by a gradual decrease. The second phase occurs due to the release of the drug from the part of the capsule characterized by prolonged release - the phase of the so-called "plateau", that is, a stable concentration, lasts about 3-4 hours. In the case of the drug Concerta, the coating also provides a rapid release of a certain amount of the drug, providing an initial maximum concentration for 1-2 hours. Then methylphenidate (from the two inner layers) is released gradually over several hours, reaching another peak after about 6 to 8 hours. Following acceptance of Concerta 18 mg once daily, peak plasma concentrations appeared approximately 6.8 hours after an average of 3.7 ng/ml. Following administration of Medikinet CR 20 mg, peak plasma concentrations occurred on average after 2.75 hours and were approximately 6.4 ng/ml. Although this is not explicitly included in the drug dossier, it appears that the pool of medicine available "immediately" from Medikinet CR is larger than that of Concerta. I enclose information that may be of interest: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/adhd https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/adhd-choroba-czy-wymysl

Rasz (Anonymous, 109.241.25.) 1 year ago

Medikinet Cr eg 20mg. It works after 20 minutes, when the first part of the drug comes out of the capsule at the beginning of the small intestine or in the stomach. The rest is released gradually. The effect of the medikinet is like this. After 20 minutes I start to have a plan to do something. For example, shave, then I get to work and I am absorbed in the task of 3 hours. Then I feel tired but then I act again. In general, the action is 4-8 hours in the form of a sinusoid. Concerto here is the OROS system and no matter what we eat, what we do, the substance is pushed out through a tiny hole in an indigestible capsule. When we remove the shell, it's like a bullet. The back is filled with a substance that absorbs water through tiny drains in the shell, it is a hygroscopic mass that increases the volume by binding the water, and literally pushes the other half of the capsule through a hole the size of a pin head. The final conclusion is that whatever is, there is no sinusoid, it is beaten 10h of release of methylphenidate and its constant concentration does not change. I take Medikinet Cr 40 mg. Morning. And once I got Concerte 18 mg. I was strangely silted up. Apparently something wanted to get tired afterwards. I can't explain it. Probably Oros Concerty is absorbed on the entire intestinal line even or mainly in thick and 18mg is something practically different because everything is a matter of concentration and quantity and time in which dose x will reach the brain. That's it.

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