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JoeL (Anonymous, 89.64.48.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Why does dried medical marijuana have a different price for a paper prescription and a different price for an electronic prescription?

Why in the pharmacy, when I have an e-prescription issued, the price of dried food is higher than when I have a prescription issued in a traditional paper version? Has anyone encountered something similar and can explain it to me?

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Freud (Anonymous, 31.61.171.) 1 year ago

this moose who asks is not kuma, that they charged him for the preparation of the drug ...

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

In my professional practice, I have not encountered price differentiation depending on the type of prescription. If this is not due to, for example, different deliveries, it seems to me that this should not be the case. This is illogical and unfounded. An explanation should be given to you by the pharmacist answering the phone.

JoeL (Anonymous, 89.64.49.) 1 year ago

When I called to ask the pharmacy about availability, the lady asked me if I had a paper prescription or just an e-prescription code. I asked what the difference was if it was the same recipe. The lady said that with a paper prescription the price is lower than in the case of an e-prescription. However, she was not able to explain to me why this difference was made.

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

It is very unlikely that the price of dried medical marijuana will depend on the type of prescription presented. Perhaps the recipes differed in the written weight of the dried fruit? In the case of a prescription in the same pharmacy, e.g. on other days, there is a high probability that the dried came from different deliveries from different wholesalers. In this case, of course, the price may vary. On the other hand, if the prescriptions were fulfilled in different pharmacies, they probably differ due to other wholesalers supplying a given type of dried fruit. In case of doubts as to the correctness of the fee charged, I encourage you to contact the pharmacy fulfilling the prescription. The pharmacist will explain the reason for the difference in price.

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