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Ania (Anonymous, 86.95.25.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Do Hydrovag and Vagisan Cremolum have a similar effect? Which preparation, Hydrovag or Vagisan Cremolum, will be more suitable for prophylactic use after e.g. swimming pool?

Welcome!. Do hydrovag vaginal globules have a similar effect to vagisan lactic acid globules also vaginally. Which of them is better to use prophylactically after the pool, menstruation. Thank you

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Hydrovag globules contain 10 mg of sodium hyaluronate, glycogen, lactic acid and sodium lactate and semi-synthetic glycerides. They are recommended m.in in relieving the feeling of dryness and discomfort (e.g. itching) in the intimate areas or as an adjunct to maintain normal flora and vaginal pH. The availability of Hydrovag globules in stationary and online pharmacies can be checked by you in the link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/36870/hydrovag-globulki-dopochwowe/apteki Vagisan Cremolum globules contain calcium lactate, cetearyl alcohol, hydrogenated coconut glycerides, lactic acid, glycerol stearate PEG-20, sodium carbomer. They are recommended m.in in relieving ailments caused by vaginal dryness (e.g. dryness, burning). The availability of Vagisan Cremolum globules in stationary and online pharmacies can be checked by you in the link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/104756/vagisan-cremolum-globulki-nawilzajace-globulki-dopochwowe/apteki Both preparations are recommended to alleviate ailments caused by vaginal dryness. However, Hydrovag globules have a wider range of applications, which suggests that they will be a better choice when wanting to use it for prophylactic use after swimming pool, menstruation, etc. We wrote about how to properly use gynecological preparations in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-stosowac-preparaty-ginekologiczne

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