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Irma (Anonymous, 89.64.94.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible to combine Mirzaten 30mg with Trulicity 1.5?

Is it possible to combine mirzaten 30mg with trulicity 1.5 ? I forgot to inform the doctor who prescribed me mirzaten that I was taking trulicity injections. I read that mirzaten causes weight gain and I got injections on IO after long-term use of glucophage which did not improve the results of research and with a diet plus even gained weight after them. I don't know what to think about it

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Trulicity contains dulaglutide, which delays gastric emptying and may affect the rate of absorption of concomitant oral medicinal products, but there is no clear indication from the manufacturer that this is a significant interaction. When constantly taking the drug, it is simply worth bearing this in mind and if the use of Mirzaten does not bring the expected results, then report it to the doctor. Your doctor may consider using Trulicity when adjusting your dose, as your exposure to the oral medicine may or may not simply be altered. When using Mirzaten, side effects such as weight gain may occur. However, please note that they do not have to appear. The drug can cause difficulty with weight loss. However, on the other hand, it can also help in its loss, if, for example, depression is one of the factors that hinders weight loss. Unfortunately, in such cases, it is not zero-one and if we are talking about the fight against obesity or overweight, the effect is influenced by many factors. This is not a simple dependence and it is also worth remembering that the main cause of weight gain is caloric surplus, which of course also has its causes (e.g. appetite stimulant drugs, other diseases, etc.). I keep my fingers crossed for good treatment effects. I leave a link to a video that may interest you:

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