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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ania (Anonymous, 193.35.41.) Ursynów 2 years ago

What to do if in the pharmacy where I have an open prescription for Divascan it is not available?

I have an open prescription for Divascan in one of the pharmacies. Despite the already increased availability of this drug, every time I ask in this particular pharmacy, the pharmacist says that it is still missing and there is no wholesaler. I will not get to the neurologist quickly, the internist does not want to prescribe this drug. And I know that in neighboring pharmacies this drug is already available. What to do?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

An open prescription for a given item must be completed in the pharmacy where it was "started". Currently, there is indeed an increase in the availability of Divascan, but it has not yet reached the level before the deficit. Perhaps also the pharmacy you have in mind will soon be able to stock up and your problem will "solve itself": https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/24028/divascan-tabletki/statystyki/12545 Otherwise, a new prescription from a specialist or your family doctor will be necessary. It is worth considering why the family doctor does not want to prescribe the drug for the continuation of therapy. Perhaps you did not provide information from a specialist? As a patient, you have the opportunity to obtain your medical records regardless of the date of your visit. The solution in the event that the drug actually runs out may be a pharmaceutical prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/kiedy-farmaceuta-moze-wypisac-recepte However, please take into account that this is a right and not an obligation of the pharmacist.

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