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Tośka  (Anonymous, 87.105.84.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Should I take all these pills in the morning and will they not lower my blood pressure too much during the day?

This is what I have been taking for hypertension so far.. in the morning Ramistad 10 1/2 tab, Symapamide 1.5 mg 1 tab, and Nebilet 1/2 tab, and in the evening 1/2 Ramistad 10 . For a long persistent coughing, the doctor changed me Ramistad to Tolura 40 1 tab. in the morning the rest unchanged, my question ... should I take all these pills in the morning and will they not lower my blood pressure too much during the day?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

I do not know your state of health, the value of your pressures and I do not have access to your medical records, so it would be pure incompetence on my part to speak completely "blindly" about what medications you should take. Please remember that the treatment of hypertension is a very complex process, requiring close cooperation between the doctor and the patient. Only on the basis of knowledge of the overall health, concomitant diseases, test results, regular blood pressure measurement and a detailed history, the doctor can recommend you appropriate drugs and their dosage. If you have any doubts, please dispel them in a direct conversation with the doctor - this is what a specialist is for, so that you can ask him any questions about your health without embarrassment. Please control the pressure values by taking the prescribed medications, take regular measurements and write them down in a diary. In the event that something worries you, e.g. dizziness or headaches, on this basis the doctor will be able to modify the therapy. Please also remember that at any time you can talk to your doctor by phone: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/jak-telefoniczne-otrzymac-recepte-i-zwolnienie-lekarskie

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