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Gosia (Anonymous, 46.187.201.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I combine Polpril 1.25 mg with Nitrendipine 5 mg if my blood pressure jumps?

Can I combine polpril at a dose of 1.25 mg with nitrendipine 5 mg in case my blood pressure jumps, i.e. can I take nitrendipine temporarily in such a situation? I would like to point out that I have the medication prescribed by a cardiologist

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

There should be no harmful interactions between the drugs mentioned by you. Please remember that any modifications in the therapy of hypertension should be made after consultation with the attending physician familiar with your health condition and pressure values. During an increase in blood pressure, it is justified to administer a calcium channel blocker, e.g. nitrendipine, at a dose of 10 to 20 mg orally. It should be noted that Nitrendipine belongs to short-acting drugs with high antihypertensive effectiveness and is used in 2 daily doses. Nitrendipine as an ad hoc blood pressure lowering drug should be administered about 20-30 minutes after taking a long-term drug (here Polpril). If unsatisfactory pressure control is noted in the period preceding the sudden increase in pressure, it is recommended to modify the current treatment of hypertension – especially in the context of the observation that further, inadequate pressure control is a significant risk factor for the occurrence of a recurrence of a sudden increase in blood pressure. The gdziepolek.pl service also allows you to book medicines at the nearest stationary pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/53430/nitrendypina-egis-tabletki/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/63088/polpril-tabletki/apteki

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