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Asia (Anonymous, 5.172.233.) Polska 2 years ago

If I take Duspatalin retard, Prokit and Cyclo 3 Fort permanently, can I take Artecholin N for reflux?

If I take Duspatalin retard, Prokit and Cyclo3Fort permanently, can I take Artecholin N for reflux? Can Artecholin N be used for reflux? Is it helpful?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In pharmacies there is also a Gastrosan tea containing chamomile flower, marshmallow root and peppermint leaf, used in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. I enclose information on the availability of the product in pharmacies cooperating with the GdziePoLek.pl service from Warsaw: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/49014/gastrosan-fix-mieszanki-apteczne-ziola/apteki

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

We wrote about antacids in gastroesophageal reflux disease here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/zgaga Marshmallow extract is not on sale. Marshmallow root is available as a shredded herb for brewing. In packages of 50g. I enclose information on the availability of the product in pharmacies cooperating with the GdziePoLek.pl service from Warsaw: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/40844/korzen-prawoslazu-korzen/apteki

Kobieta (Anonymous, 37.248.156.) 2 years ago

Is it possible to buy a marshmallow extract in a pharmacy that could be used for reflux?

Kobieta (Anonymous, 37.248.157.) 2 years ago

Thank you. Please write antacids, for example, what?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It should be emphasized that the first method of fighting gastroesophageal reflux disease should always be a change in lifestyle, and above all the use of a healthy diet and the introduction of physical activity. It is also worth remembering a few basic rules that significantly improve the quality of life: 1) Avoiding eating meals immediately before bedtime, and especially foods that intensify reflux (fatty and spicy dishes, chocolate, coffee, alcohol); 2) Eating less and more often; 3) Placing a pillow under the head, ensuring the right position of the head on the bed. This will prevent the gastric contents from receding when the body is in a supine position; 4) Taking care of good sleep quality – turning off the light, avoiding disturbances; 5) Avoiding physical activity immediately after a meal. Antacids can also be useful – calcium carbonate with alginate and mucoadhesion agent. Alginates, which act not in the esophagus, but directly in the stomach, form a raft and prevent the gastric contents from retreating into the esophagus. Unfortunately, changing the position of the body to lying down causes the leakage of this raft and therefore alginates are not recommended in night reflux. Ideal for use in night reflux seems to be a barrier preparation consisting of hyaluronic acid (HA), chondroitin sulfate (CS) and poloxamer 407 (P407), i.e. Esoxx One. It not only creates a protective barrier on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, but also contributes to the acceleration of healing processes. According to the current medical literature, the most effective method of treating non-acidic esophageal reflux is surgery - laparoscopic fundoplication.

Kobieta (Anonymous, 37.248.156.) 2 years ago

Thank you. And can you recommend me something that will help with non-acid reflux? It is a nuisance - the regression of food content and long-term retention.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, the contraindication to the use of Artecholin N is active peptic ulcer disease and gastrointestinal reflux (acidic and non-acidic). For proper digestion of food, the environment of the stomach should be strongly acidic. The normal pH of the stomach is 1-1.5, and the drug Artecholin N will increase the pH towards more acidic.

Kobieta (Anonymous, 37.248.158.) 2 years ago

Can Artecholin N be used for non-acid reflux? What does it mean that the drug increases the secretion of gastric juice?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Jeżeli lekarz nie zaleci inaczej lek Artecholin N można przyjmować do 3 razy dziennie przed lub w czasie posiłku po 5 ml preparatu w niewielkiej ilości płynu. Nie należy przekraczać zaleconych dawek ponieważ nie zwiększy to skuteczności działania leku, a może jedynie zaszkodzić zdrowiu i życiu. Jeżeli objawy utrzymują się dłużej niż 14 dni należy skonsultować się z lekarzem.

Asia (Anonymous, 31.0.123.) 2 years ago

Dziękuję. Ile razy dziennie mogę przyjmować lek Artecholin N i w jakiej dawce? Przez jaki okres czasu?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Pomiędzy zażywanymi lekami nie dochodzi do interakcji.

Artecholin N to produkt ziołowy przeznaczony jest do tradycyjnego stosowania w niestrawnościach (z objawami zgagi, odbijania, nudności) i zaburzeniach żołądkowo-jelitowych spowodowanych niedostatecznym wydzielaniem soku żołądkowego i żółci.

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