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Łukasz (Anonymous, 83.6.196.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I use Pylera after meals and temporarily separate the use of the probiotic HelicoGastrin?

Good morning, the doctor prescribed me the drugs Pyrela + Prazol + HELICOgastrin for treatment against h. pylori, I take them on the first day. After getting acquainted with these drugs, I only have doubts about the prescribed hours of taking them. Well, the doctor's recommendation was to take Pyrella BEFORE meals, and the probiotic was to be taken simultaneously with her. Is it possible to somehow "improve" the coordination of these drugs? It seems that it would be more consistent with the description of medicinal products to take Prazol + Pyrella AFTER a meal, and HELICOgastrin at some distance from Prazol (it contains yeast, but also a lactic bacterium, which would probably be worth giving some chance). Is it a good idea to set this probiotic between antibiotics and as the last drug of the day? Or doesn't it matter much? I suppose that the doctor could have grouped them so that it was more convenient to take, because it is a lot of pills and I can improve something here, but I'm not sure.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Prawdopodobnie zalecenia zostały skonstruowane tak, aby łatwiej było Panu się do nich zastosować. Można nieco zmodyfikować dawkowanie preparatów, zgodnie z ulotkami leków, na stosowanie leku Prazol na czczo przed posiłkiem, a leku Pylera po posiłkach. Probiotyk HelicoGastrin może być stosowany w przerwie między antybiotykiem lub jako ostatni preparat w ciągu dnia. W przypadku, gdy pacjent ma możliwość to korzystniejsze jest rozdzielenie czasowe stosowanych leków i probiotyku.

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