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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Pacjent007 (Anonymous, 205.201.55.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does anyone know what is the price in pharmacies in super pharma?

Does anyone know what is the price in pharmacies in super pharma?

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

Certified and affordable. This is a medical device. Use it as instructed.

Pacjent0 (Anonymous, 185.216.51.) 2 years ago

I bought a reda at 530 from them where at a distance of 200 km they did not have cheaper so do not tell fairy tales that everywhere is expensive. I saw just 5 pharmacies that had at that time 580-600..

nosuper (Anonymous, 5.173.112.) 2 years ago

superpharm the worst scum that exists even there do not call because it is a waste of time and the highest prices of all pharmacies. it pays to go further to another pharmacy or order goods in another pharmacy

Pacjent (Anonymous, 31.179.75.) 2 years ago

Kraków - 599 zł

Piotrek (Anonymous, 5.173.33.) 2 years ago

Rzeszów 600zł dostepna

Pacjent07 (Anonymous, 46.134.71.) 2 years ago

637 zł

Chory (Anonymous, 205.201.55.) 2 years ago


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