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Iza  (Anonymous, 31.60.75.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to correctly change the reflux drug from Helides to Emenera?

Good morning, Permanently (due to severe reflux) I take medication - so far it was Helides 40 mg, but now the doctor has changed my preparation to Emander 40 mg. I took the last tablet of Helides on Tuesday - today I have the opportunity to take a new drug (Emanera). However, a question came to my head - do I have to keep a distance between the change of preparations? For example, one day I take the last dose of Helides, the next morning I can safely take Emaner? From what I managed to check - both preparations are the same substance and it seems to me that this is what I should do ... Thanks in advance for the hint :)

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Zaproponowany przez Panią sposób zmiany leku z Helides na Emanera jest prawidłowy. Są to leki z tej samej grupy chemicznej, dlatego po zakończeniu Helidesu, terapię Emanera można rozpocząć następnego dnia.

Załączam link do artykułu, który może Panią zainteresować:


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