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Severine  (Anonymous, 94.109.235.) Warszawa 29 days ago

Are bleeding every 15 days, mood swings, back pain and malaise normal symptoms after wearing Kyleena?

Good evening I put the IUD kyleena on 23.10.2024 I have bleeding we will say every 15 days mood swings I am more and more depressed back pain often nausser also I really feel not well to know case the insertion of the IUD I bleed a lot. But at the check-up 3 months later it was well placed but still them bleeding esque this is normal there is there other person in my case thank you

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

25 days ago

I understand that you have been experiencing frequent bleeding, mood swings, back pain, nausea and general malaise since the Kyleena IUD insertion, which can be worrying.

Irregular or frequent bleeding is a normal reaction of the body after wearing Kyleena. They usually disappear within the first 3-6 months after insertion.
Mood swings, back pain, and nausea are also common symptoms that can occur after an IUD is inserted. They, too, should gradually subside.

If, at a follow-up visit after 3 months, the doctor has found that the IUD is correctly placed, so there is no cause for concern. If symptoms persist or worsen after 3-6 months, contact your doctor. The liner may need to be changed or removed.

If you are concerned about this situation, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor who can give you more personalized advice. If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of an in-person visit, I am attaching a link to the online teleconsultation:


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