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Patryk  (Anonymous, 5.173.233.) Warszawa 4 months ago

How long can you take Activlab Psychobiotic IBS?

Hello, I have a question about a probiotic:

Activlab Psychobiotic IBS, 20 capsules

How long can you take it? Because I didn't find the information. For example, if I take it for 3 months without a break, will it be okay? And the second issue is about the strain designation there:

Saccharomyces boulardii 1 x 109 CFU, everywhere I see that this value is given in mg and e.g. enterol has 250mg. I mg have to get to the cfu can it be converted?

Thank you for your replies and help

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

Probiotics are recommended to be taken regularly, for at least 2-3 months, and after antibiotic therapy even half a year.

A CFU is a unit that allows you to determine the number of bacteria (or cells in the case of yeast) in one capsule/sachet of a probiotic.

A mass of lyophilisate/lysate of bacteria or yeast is given in mg. For example, in the case of the Lakcid Entero probiotic, the manufacturer states that 1 g of lyophilisate contains about 1 X 10^10 CFU. The amount of CFU per g of lyophilisate/lysate may vary from preparation to formulation and strain. In the case of probiotics, the CFU value is more important.

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