Inflammation of the gums

In the event of mechanical damage to the gum with hard food, poorly selected dentures or too hard toothbrush, the gum becomes red, swollen and sore. In this case, it is worth using preparations available in the pharmacy that will relieve pain, accelerate healing or those that will create a protective layer on the gum protecting the soft tissues of the mouth from further irritation.


liquid, 200 milliliters

in 99% pharmacies

from 19.00 zł


gel, 10 grams

in 100% pharmacies

from 19.99 zł


liquid, 100 milliliters

in 98% pharmacies

from 16.49 zł

Dezaftan Med

gel, 8 grams

in 97% pharmacies

from 13.90 zł

Dentosept A płyn

liquid, 25 grams

in 98% pharmacies

from 12.49 zł


gel, 15 grams

in 94% pharmacies

from 5.00 zł

Elugel żel stomatologiczny

gel, 40 grams

in 89% pharmacies

from 18.79 zł

Dentosept A spray

aerosol, 25 grams

in 90% pharmacies

from 20.19 zł

Zielnik Apteczny kora dębu

bark, 50 grams

in 73% pharmacies

from 2.90 zł

Kora dębu Flos

bark, 30 bags 2 grams

in 37% pharmacies

from 4.99 zł

Anaftin Baby

gel, 10 milliliters

in 67% pharmacies

from 18.24 zł

Aftargent Nano

gel, 15 milliliters

in 37% pharmacies

from 17.95 zł


liquid, 38 milliliters = 35 grams

in 58% pharmacies

from 5.00 zł

SeptOral Med żel stomatologiczny

gel, 20 milliliters

in 24% pharmacies

from 16.87 zł

Miramile Tonsil

aerosol, 30 milliliters

in 27% pharmacies

from 13.90 zł

Kora dębu Flos

bark, 50 grams

in 15% pharmacies

from 3.95 zł

Urgo na afty i drobne rany w jamie ustnej

gel, 6 milliliters

in 18% pharmacies

from 23.50 zł

Aseptall Spray z chlorheksydynÄ…

aerosol, 30 milliliters

in 6% pharmacies

from 24.70 zł

SeptOral Med Koncentrat

liquid, 200 milliliters

in 7% pharmacies

from 15.50 zł


gel, 25 milliliters

in 6% pharmacies

from 11.00 zł

from 16.79 zł


toothpaste, 60 grams

in 8% pharmacies

from 11.99 zł


gel, 50 milliliters

in 9% pharmacies

from 16.98 zł


aerosol, 30 milliliters

in 7% pharmacies

from 17.99 zł

Apteo Szałwia liść

List, 50 grams

in 4% pharmacies

from 3.00 zł


gel, 40 grams bottle

in 8% pharmacies

from 21.99 zł

from 31.18 zł

Curasept ADS Perio PÅ‚yn z chlorheksydynÄ… 0,12%

liquid, 200 milliliters

in 1% pharmacies

from 30.08 zł


gel, 20 grams

in 0% pharmacies

Herbatka Fix Mięta

List, 20 bags 1,5 gramsa

in 3% pharmacies

from 8.59 zł

Herbatka Fix Szałwia

List, 20 bags 1 gram

in 3% pharmacies

from 8.59 zł

Urgo na afty i drobne rany w jamie ustnej

gel, 10 milliliters

in 1% pharmacies


liquid, 100 grams

in 1% pharmacies

from 20.90 zł


liquid, 50 milliliters

in 0% pharmacies


aerosol, 15 milliliters

in 0% pharmacies

Sachol Aftigel

gel, 12 milliliters

in 0% pharmacies

Dentosept A płyn

liquid, 25 milliliters

in 1% pharmacies

Lab4Dent Płyn do płukania jamy ustnej

liquid, 500 milliliters

in 1% pharmacies

Dentosept A płyn

liquid, 40 grams

in 0% pharmacies

Bobovita Herbatka rumiankowa

granules (to make a liquid), 200 grams

in 1% pharmacies


liquid, 30 grams

in 1% pharmacies

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