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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

mat121 (Anonymous, 88.156.137.) Warszawa 15 months ago

Hello, do you have any information when to dry cannabis fl...

Hi, do you have any information when dried cannabis flos 20% 0.5% will be available in pharmacies in Warsaw?

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Zielarz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 15 months ago

Every patient should have the right to grow their own marijuana in their own home (it's very simple, especially with auto strains)!!! And not to be constantly dependent on "pharmacy" supplies and be constantly burdened with huge costs of therapy (often 1000PLN+).

Pacjentmj (Anonymous, 93.159.184.) 15 months ago

Exactly it was supposed to be on Friday, everyone is waiting, and still it is nowhere to be found, and what is happening so that it was not like with the redem 😂

Kron (Anonymous, 185.31.216.) 15 months ago

There is drama with the availability of this variety. 14.01 I bought a 5G package because it was nowhere to be found anymore, in a moment my prescription runs out and it will be lost if nothing falls anywhere.

pjo11 (Anonymous, 109.206.205.) 15 months ago

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