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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Anonymous19 (Anonymous, 31.11.182.) Mazowieckie 15 months ago

When will Concerta 18 mg be better available in major cities?

In big cities, there is literally no Concerta 18 mg available anywhere. Beyond this drama, there is no 27 milligrams, which for many people may be the ideal dose, because 36 mg is too much.

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

Today we received information from the manufacturer that a new shipment of Concerta in a dose of 18 mg has already reached pharmaceutical wholesalers (m.in. Neuca). You can now contact pharmacies to order the drug: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/19569/concerta-tabletki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/apteki?pvid=83727

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

15 months ago

We see in our statistics that the availability of the drug Concerta 18 mg is decreasing, thank you for your message. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/19569/concerta-tabletki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/statystyki?pvId=83727 If we receive information about changes in the availability of the drug, we will inform you at this link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/19569/concerta-tabletki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/apteki#stacjonarne in the "latest news about Concerta" site. You can leave your email there to be notified when a new message appears. There are doses of Concerta on the market: 18 mg and 36 mg, but if it is necessary to find an intermediate dose, other preparations with methylphenidate (with a different mode of release) are available. You can talk to your doctor about it.

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