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Dawidd3 (Anonymous, 83.8.73.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Can Levoxa cause dizziness and visual disturbances?

Good morning, Good morning, 8 months ago I used levoxa, 3 months ago I used Flucofast, for about 3 months I have side effects - dizziness, significant deterioration of vision (from about 6 months), gently shaking knees after descending the stairs, rash after bathing. What could have caused such a state and will it pass on its own? I have read that fluoroquinolones can cause delayed side effects and can cause damage to the central nervous system, can such symptoms indicate this? Best regards

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

The symptoms you are talking about - dizziness or deterioration of vision may be associated with the use of Levoxa. If they have not yet resolved, it is highly likely that they will continue to persist, so you should tell your doctor about the side effects observed. Perhaps the specialist will order further research. I attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

Dawidd3 (Anonymous, 83.8.73.) 17 months ago

I will add that I started to feel dizzy about 1-2 weeks before using Flucofast so it is possible that this drug did not affect it

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