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Mama  (Anonymous, 178.212.127.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How to buy Trilafon?

How to fulfill a recipe for a trilafon. The patient took this drug in the psychiatric ward. He was written with a prescription for a trilafon.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Please urgently consult the doctor who guided the patient in the hospital. Trilafon is currently not available in pharmacies and has no substitutes available. It may be necessary to import the drug from abroad in the target import mode, however, this can only be done at the request of a doctor. You can read more about this type of procedure here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/import-docelowy-jak-sprowadzic-lek-z-zagranicy The manufacturer of the drug Trilafon a few years ago issued a decision to stop its distribution to the Polish market: "The Polish Psychiatric Association and the National Consultant in the field of psychiatry on September 10, 2012 received information from MSD about the cessation of production, distribution and supply of the medicinal product Trilafon (perphenazinum). MsD predicts that the forms of the drug for use in the form of inj. Intramuscular Trilafon Enathate will be available on the Polish market until November 2012, Trilafon tablets 2 mg and 8 mg until March 2013 and Trilafon tablets 4 mg until September 2013." Since then, the drug is not available in pharmacies.

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