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Warszawa 1 year ago

How to take Seroxat to get to the dose of 40mg?

Hi How to take seroxat to get to the dose of 40mg I am currently second week and I am on a dose of 20 mg I had a 3 month break in taking seroxate but unfortunately the drugs returned (I was on a dose of 40 mg). The first week was a nightmare but I survived...

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Seroxat is a drug prescribed by a doctor, dosage and dose changes should be carried out in accordance with the instructions issued by him. Depending on the condition, the doses of Seroxat range from 10mg to 60mg. As for the dosage for generalized anxiety disorders, "the recommended dose of the drug is 20 mg per day. If, after a few weeks of use of the recommended dose, the observed response to treatment is insufficient, some patients may benefit from a gradual dose increase of 10 mg, up to a maximum dose of 50 mg per day. Long-term therapy should be evaluated regularly." Dosage in other cases is thoroughly discussed in the Summary of Product Characteristics of Seroxat. After what time the dose should be increased and what will be appropriate depends on the individual assessment of the attending physician. Dosage and long-term therapy with Seroxat requires regular evaluation. Seroxat is a medicine whose active substance is paroxetine, which belongs to the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The time to achieve full effect of drugs from this group is about 2 weeks from the start of use. Side effects also occur with increased strength and frequency at the beginning of therapy.

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