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Michał (Anonymous, 31.61.176.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can switching from Bibloc 5 to Corectin 5 cause more frequent additional contractions?

Can the replacement of the Bibloc 5 drug taken so far with Corectin 5 (the same dose, the same active substance - the argument of the pharmacist giving me a replacement, due to the lack of Bibloc in the pharmacy) result in more frequent additional heart contractions in the first days of taking the latter? (is it just autosuggestion, resulting from the replacement, and additional contractions are the result of, for example, more exciting days at work? ;) Best regards

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Michał (Anonymous, 83.28.214.) 1 year ago

Thank you kindly for the comprehensive explanations, so I did - from tomorrow I return to the Bibloc originally ordained to me - I am also curious about the effect of :) Once again, thank you very much Mrs. Magister!

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

From a pharmaceutical point of view, Bibloc 5 mg and Corectin 5 mg are equivalents and can be dispensed interchangeably. In general, bisoprolol slows down heart function and increases the efficiency of this organ in pumping blood. Substitutes differ in price and manufacturer, but also in the composition of excipients. However, the substances needed to form the tablet do not have their own pharmacological action and do not affect the way in which the active ingredient - bisoprolol - works. However, they may be important, e.g. in the case of allergies. Between the substitutes, a certain difference in bioavailability is also acceptable, which means the rate and degree of absorption of the medicinal substance from the drug form into the general circulation. Although this does not negate the safety and effectiveness of the substitute, it cannot be completely excluded that in some cases the patient may feel some difference in action. From my observations, it appears that the autosuggestion mentioned by you may have a significant impact on the perception of the substitute. Stress can also contribute. If you are concerned about the worsening of your symptoms, it may be worth returning to Bibloc and seeing if they go away. I enclose additional explanations: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-sa-zamienniki-lekow

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