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Paula  (Anonymous, 37.248.177.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I experience heaviness in my chest after Nedal?

Hello. For how long have I been taking a reading of nedal 2.5 mg. At first, everything was ok, but for a few days I have been feeling such heaviness on my chest like an elephant peroxide. I have a doctor's appointment in a week. Can it be from leu? Maybe after a while it turns out to be too strong?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The feeling of heaviness (tightness) in the chest has many causes. It can mean heart, lung and stomach diseases, as well as be associated with, for example, spinal disorders and neurosis. Cage tightness is one of the most common ailments that affects people of different ages and usually passes as quickly as it appeared. Disturbing becomes the frequent or enduring feeling of heaviness in the chest, which always requires going to the doctor and performing diagnostic tests. In general, the effects of Nedal are mild and/or moderate and resolve on their own with continued treatment. If such symptoms appeared after long-term therapy (over a year), it may indicate the progression of the underlying disease, and not too strong effect of the drug. I enclose a detailed description of the preparation you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/52548/nedal-tabletki/apteki

Paula  (Anonymous, 37.248.177.) 1 year ago

It was supposed to be a medicine, not a reading. Sorry for the error

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