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Wiktoria (Anonymous, 93.176.243.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can fixing the filling with a lamp during treatment with Izotek be the cause of pain?

I have been on the treatment of izotekiem for 2 months. I was at the dentist a week ago for filling and it hurts terribly since then, not the tooth itself but in the place of filling. Painkillers do not help. The filling was fixed with a lamp. Could this be the reason for these pains? If so, what should be done in this situation and what consequences does it entail? I have a visit only in a week and it hurts terribly and I can barely eat.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

During Izotek therapy, the skin may become more sensitive to sunlight and other sources of UV radiation. Due to the fact that isotretinoin can cause drying of the oral mucosa and possibly also interfere with the healing process, more complicated dental procedures should be discussed with the dentist in advance. At the same time, it seems unlikely that short-term fixation of a synthetic filling (not of the skin or mucous membrane) with a polymerization lamp could be a direct cause of severe pain at the filling site as a result of interaction. In the described situation - severe pain that makes it difficult to eat - contact with a dentist is indicated. If the ailments are difficult to endure, it may be worth using the dental duty in your area. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/zmiany-w-jamie-ustnej

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