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Warszawa 2 years ago

After what time does aripyrazole come out of the body?

After what time will aripyrazole come out of the body? Apparently, the shelf life is 145 h, i.e. only after 6 days does its formation in the body begin to decrease??? However, is it possible that after 2 days already a little "wyplukalo" from the body?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The mean elimination half-life of aripiprazole is approximately 75 hours in subjects with elevated CYP2D6 activity and approximately 146 hours in subjects with decreased CYP2D6 activity. "Half-life" means the time after which the concentration of a medicine in the blood drops by half. It is believed that it takes about 5 such half-lives to conclude that there is no drug in the body (a negligible small amount). The activity of CYP refers to the liver enzymes that metabolize the drug and can be individually different, therefore, in one patient, the half-life is shorter, and for another - it is extended to 146 hours. Unfortunately, without specialized tests, it is difficult to clearly determine whether a given patient gets rid of the drug faster or slower. The elimination phase is the stage during which the concentration of the drug only decreases (before that, however, the drug is absorbed and distributed). The maximum plasma concentration is reached within 3-5 hours after administration, so this time should theoretically be added to the period in which the drug is in the body.

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