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Robert (Anonymous, 185.119.151.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it OK that doctors have such different opinions and I missed the date of the operation?

My GP advised me to replace Pradaxy with Neoparin 1 day before urology surgery. Already in the hospital, I was told that Pradaxe should be discontinued 10 days before the operation and sent home. I lost with difficulty the deadline that you have been waiting for months. Is it OK that doctors present such different opinions?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In patients taking Pradaxa, the risk of bleeding during surgery or surgery is increased. For this reason, it is recommended to temporarily discontinue treatment if intervention is necessary with a disruption of tissue continuity. The interval before surgery in which treatment should be discontinued depends on the degree of renal function, as the rate of removal of dabigatran (the active ingredient in Pradaxa) depends on renal excretion and on the extent of the procedure and the risk of bleeding. In the case of elective surgery, pradaxa should be discontinued at least 24 hours before invasive or surgical procedures, if possible. In patients with reduced renal function, with an increased risk of bleeding, as well as for serious (extensive) procedures, the recommended time to end pradaxa therapy may be 2-3-4 days. Such information is available to me from a pharmaceutical point of view. On the one hand, I did not find recommendations to discontinue Pradaxa until 10 days before the procedure, on the other hand, there may be some special circumstances of the procedure that you were to have carried out, prompting doctors to give such a recommendation. It is good practice to inform the patient about the preparation for the procedure. If you believe that you have been harmed in some way by a lack of information or inadequate information in relation to your state of health, then such conflicts may be resolved, for example, by the Patient Ombudsman.

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