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Karol (Anonymous, 217.97.95.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Aripilek cause seizures, tremors and intermittent sleep?

Can there be seizures, body tremors, a short amount of sleep when using Aripileku?

8 answers, 1 subscriber

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Karol: Due to the lack of research in this area, the use of herbs during aripiprazole therapy should be avoided. It is true that St. John's wort is a potent inducer of CYP3A4, so it should not be combined with Aripilek. In the case of Brahmi, the mechanism of action has not been fully understood, and therefore there is not enough evidence to be able to conclude that the combination with aripiprazole is safe.

Karol (Anonymous, 217.97.107.) 2 years ago

Still mam.question apropo Arpileku and herbs .... for example. Brahmi, Full African other I read that you can not St. John's wort ... or something else? Best regards

Karol (Anonymous, 31.60.104.) 2 years ago

Thank you for clarifying everything 🙂greetings

Małgorzata Girek-Bąk Pharmacist

2 years ago

Thank you for clarifying. After a week, the dose has already been increased, only 2 weeks have passed since the dose increase, so in this case it is very likely that the son's body is still getting used to the drug, especially since the dosage has been modified. Therefore, in this case, there is a good chance that the son's body will get used to it and the convulsions will pass, however, please observe the son and monitor how often convulsions appear and provide information to the doctor at the next visit.

Karol (Anonymous, 217.97.95.) 2 years ago

The son started goals 17.02 had a dose of 5mg, from 23.02 takes 10mg (decision of the psychiatrist) So in total not the whole month takes ... I also noticed with time "forgets" about convulsions and it passes... hence my question whether it will pass completely..? Best regards

Małgorzata Girek-Bąk Pharmacist

2 years ago

If convulsions and tremors have persisted for a month, it is difficult to say unequivocally that they will definitely pass. Most often, side effects appear at the beginning of the use of the drug or when changing the dosage (e.g. to a higher dose). Such an adaptation period lasts for some time, but if we are talking about a month, it can unfortunately persist. Aripilek exacerbates seizures in people who are prone to epilepsy or who have a history of seizures. It is possible that the only way out will be to change the drug, reduce the dose or add another drug that will inhibit seizures. But such a decision will have to be made by a doctor.

Karol (Anonymous, 217.97.95.) 2 years ago

Is there a chance that it will pass?these convulsions, tremors ... if so, after what time?son takes less than a month

Małgorzata Girek-Bąk Pharmacist

2 years ago

Aripilek can cause various side effects related to the nervous system. Often there are such disorders of the nervous system as: tremor, headache or dizziness, akathisia (e.g. motor agitation). Uncommon cases of seizures have been reported in clinical trials. Mental disorders may also appear, such as: anxiety, especially motor anxiety, insomnia, anxiety, which is why this drug can affect the quality of sleep. If the symptoms do not pass, then you should consult a doctor. Side effects of the preparation can also be reported to the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products or the Entity responsible for a given drug. Details can be found in our article. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

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