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Pola (Anonymous, 37.201.145.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Seretide and Salbutamol be used interchangeably?

Salbutamol's Seretide 50 ? Hello son 8 years old for a long time takes Seretide 50 which he took in Poland. Now we live in Germany and the doctor gave Salbutamol . Are they the same medications and can I give it to my son without fear?

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

Seretide 50 and Salbutamol contain different active substances and a profile of action. These drugs cannot be treated as substitutes. Seretide 50 is used continuously, salmeterol only in case of shortness of breath during an asthma attack. Seretide 50 contains fluticasone, an anti-inflammatory active substance of glucocorticosteroids, and salemterol from the β2-mimetic group, which causes long-term bronchodilation. It is a "disease control" drug that prevents exacerbations that are used regardless of whether the symptoms of the disease are present at the moment or not. Salbutamol, on the other hand, belongs to drugs used temporarily (rescue), which by expanding the bronchi, relieve symptoms in the form of shortness of breath. This drug is classified as a fast-acting β2-mimetic, which dilate the bronchi in a few minutes, inhibiting an asthma attack. You can read more about medicines used in asthma in the text: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-astme

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