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Warszawa 2 years ago

Is 15 mg of aripyrazole and 150 mg of bupropion and 200 mg of pernasine in...

Does 15 mg of aripyrazole and 150 mg of bupropion and 200 mg of pernasine interact with 25 mg of baclofen? If so, what effects can occur? Sorry to ask again but I forgot to write about pernazin. I will add that the drugs were prescribed by a doctor, but apparently baclofen interacts with psychotropics and may come to an intensification of the effect of baclofen but I do not know the ilukw degree of dose severity? Best regards

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

There should be no harmful interactions between Pernasine and other drugs. In such a combination, Baclofen will not increase its effect, and the side effects will intensify. This does not mean that 100% of the selected complications will occur in your case. It is a matter of individual sensitivity, the combination of drugs used and their doses, and the patient's state of health. It is difficult to estimate this without knowing your medical records. However, it is worth being aware of what the effects of simultaneous use of these drugs may be, so that if they are observed, the patient can relate the symptoms with the fact of combining specific substances. The answer to a similar question is given here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/70570/baclofen-czy-arypiprazol-i-bupropion-wchodza-w-interakcje-z-baclofenem

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