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Gosia (Anonymous, 46.187.201.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I stop this medicine and take Validol in case of a stressful situation?

Hello, I have been taking the drug atarax for a month. Previously, I took it sporadically as I had a pressure jump so I was advised. After another visit, another doctor recommended taking atarax twice a day for 25mg. For several days I have been awakened by terrible palpitations, even pounding of the heart and rumbling in the ears. In the leaflet I read that the drug atarax can cause such ailments and then it should be discontinued immediately and consult a doctor. Can I stop this medicine and take validol in case of a stressful situation? I also take concor5 for hypertension and now I do not have any major problems with high pressure, the drug corrects them nicely so I do not need to take this atarax also temporarily.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Może Pani odstawić lek Hydroxyzinum, ale jak wspomniano w ulotce powinna Pani od razu skonsultować się z lekarzem jak postąpić dalej, gdyż przyjmowanie leku Validol może nie być wystarczające.

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