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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kasia (Anonymous, 185.23.13.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Are red "skins" and excessive sleepiness the effects of taking Amotaks?

An 11-month-old girl got Amotaks on a red throat. She has already taken 4 doses of 3.5ml. Since then, he has been sleeping a lot. Her nap during the day lasted 2-3 hours where she once lasted 30 minutes and nothing could knock because she immediately woke up. In addition, it has red skin around the mouth, nose and eyelids. Is it from this drug?

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Patrycja (Anonymous, 195.238.168.) 2 years ago

And what came out? I just in my 8-month-old son also noticed drowsiness and also after this antibiotic and only tomorrow I will call the doctor because on the weekend it was not active.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Dotychczas nie zaobserwowano, aby lek Amotaks powodował nadmierną senność, aczkolwiek jeśli chodzi o wysypkę - domyślam się, że to ma Pani na myśli pod pojęciem "chrostki", gdyż nie tego typu pojęcie nie istnieje - to najprawdopodobniej jest to reakcja uczuleniowa na lek, która powinna skłonić Panią do niezwłocznego kontaktu z pediatrą:

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