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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

nina1 (Anonymous, 5.184.220.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is spotting in the first months of contraception a reason to talk to your medicine?

It uses the first month of evra patches, the month lasted a week, but later bleeding has not disappeared, it appears practically every day. With him, breast pain, but it is understood that there may be a side effect at the beginning. Is it right or is this a reason to consult a doctor? I start 3 patch, and do not know if after a break continue this form of anti-ticpnception

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Zmian można dokonać na każdym etapie stosowania leku Evra.

nina1 (Anonymous, 31.42.0.) 2 years ago

Niestety krwawienia sa bolesne i dosyc spore, jak 1/2 dzien okresu. Obawia sie czy tak dlugie krwawienie codzienne nie jest niebezepieczne. Wczoraj przykleilam 3 plaster, rozumiem, że najlepszym rozwiazeniem jest doczekanie do konca trwania cyklu i odklejenie 3 plastra i pozniej ewentualne zmiany?

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