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Paulaaa (Anonymous, 5.173.99.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What could it be: after off the pink heat, sometimes red, in the sheath on the walls I have a dense secretion in the color of blood, it hurt me on the back, as if the kidney, and for a few days I have pain in the lower abdomen only very delicate, and after I have traces of blood on paper?

Hi, since March 9, I had red sometimes brown heat. Then came the period though too early. I was bleeding normally. And after a period so far after, I see pink elation sometimes red, I noticed that in the sheath on the walls I have a dense secretion in the color of blood. I thought it was cystitis because I already had it once. It hurt my back as if the kidney and for a few days the lower abdomen pain was only very delicate. My guess is that this is not an intimate infection because it does not feel itchy baking, vagination is also not. Because only after I have traces of blood on paper. What could it be?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Na naszym forum nie diagnozujemy pacjentów, lecz odpowiadamy na pytanie dotyczące leków, gdyż jesteśmy farmaceutami, a choroby rozpoznaje lekarz - w tym wypadku ginekolog.

Pani stan zdrowia wymaga pilnej konsultacji z ginekologiem, a najlepiej uroginekologiem i wykonania badań. Proszę nie zwlekać z konsultacją.

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