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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kinga (Anonymous, 31.0.0.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What product to use on dried lips, skin around the mouth and eyelids?

Good morning, I have been struggling with dry cracked lips for about a month. In addition, I have reddened skin above my upper lip. In the corners of my mouth I have something like zajadów. I used protective measures, retimax 1500. I also used vitamin ointment, however, I was terribly baked after it skin in these redness. In places of redness, my epidermis came down. I don't have any scabs, etc. The skin of the sweater and the lips are dried despite moisturizing. Eyelids also have slightly reddened, however, in this case retimax 1500 helps to some extent. I take a set of B vitamins and vitamin A. What else can I use? I have this for the first time.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Na usta proszę stosować balsam w słoiczku Tisane:

Należy smarować usta jak najczęściej, aby nie dopuścić do ich wyschnięcia.

Skórę wokół ust należy smarować kremem ochronno-łagodzącym do skóry wokół ust Bioderma ABC Derm Peri-Oral.

Skórę powiek oraz wokół oczu należy nawilżać produktem Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye.

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