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Aga  (Anonymous, 37.30.44.) Warszawa 16 months ago

Is it worth using Vivomix for a child with abdominal pain?

Hello, my daughter hurts belly, passed all possible tests, in which nothing was detected, and ultrasound which showed nothing, we were at the gastroenterologist who said that the daughter is nothing, and the stomach as it hurt so much. Does it make sense to give such droplets to a child?

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Aga  (Anonymous, 37.30.44.) 16 months ago

Hello, the child is 6 years old , we are enrolled in a psychologist .

Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

16 months ago

Vivomix is a dietary supplement containing many strains of beneficial bacteria. If the cause of abdominal or intestinal pain in a child could be disturbed bacterial microflora, it is worth using the preparation. If there is such a suspicion - also. However, you should be aware that it is a supportive preparation. According to many clinical studies performed with the participation of this supplement, there are indications that Vivomix may support the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments. In addition, it is a safe preparation, so if all methods of pharmacotherapy have been exhausted, you can try to give your child this supplement. As for the stomach pain, you did not write how old your daughter is. Has the stress response been ruled out? During stressful situations, we do not have morphological changes that can be detected by tests, and yet abdominal pain occurs. Interesting article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/kiedy-bol-brzucha-to-atak-woreczka-zolciowego

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