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Darek (Anonymous, 89.64.59.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Which drug is safer in the elderly Trimbow or Oxodil?

Which drug is better and safer to use in the treatment of Asthma - Trimbow 87+5+9 or Oxodin PPH12 ? at the age of 83 ? Best regards

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

The drugs Trimbow and Oxodil PPH are preparations used to treat m.in asthma. Trimbow is a combined preparation containing beklametazone dipropionate, formoterol fumarate and glycopyrronium, the active substance of Oxodil is formoterol fumarate. Both medicines do not require dose adjustment when used in the elderly. Therefore, the selection of a "better and safer" preparation is based on the indications for the use of the drug, the current state of health of the patient and knowledge of the occurrence of concomitant diseases and medications taken. Trimbow is indicated for asthma maintenance therapy in patients with insufficient control of disease symptoms following the use of a product composed of a long-acting beta-2 agonist and medium doses of inhaled corticosteroid who have experienced one or more asthma exacerbations during the previous year. Oxodil PPH indicated for the alleviation of symptoms of airway obstruction and for the prevention of exercise-induced symptoms in patients with asthma if satisfactory asthma control has not been achieved with appropriate corticosteroid therapy. I enclose materials that may be interesting: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-astme

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