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zagubiona_matka (Anonymous, 5.60.7.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is 2x3.5 ml of Amoksiklav 400mg + 57 mg/5 ml for a child weighing 12.4 kg a good dose?

Good morning. Baby 16 months, weight 12.4, angina. Antibiotic amoksiklav 400mg/57mg 70ml, 7 days at a dose of 2x3.5 ml. Is it not too much per day. What is the safe interval between doses?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

For @zagubiona_matka: A 12-hour interval must be observed. If you administered the drug every 8 hours, 3 doses per day would fall out and you could take too high doses of medicines.

zagubiona_matka (Anonymous, 5.60.7.) 19 months ago

And the interval must be 12h? Can it be given after 8 hours?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

This dosage is suitable for a child weighing about 12 kg. This is the usual dosage of this drug, please follow the recommendations of your pediatrician. For children under 40 kg, the usual dosage ranges from (25 mg + 3.6 mg)/kg/day to (45 mg + 6.4 mg)/kg/day in two divided doses. In some cases, up to (70 mg + 10 mg)/kg/day, administered in two divided doses. In the case of a child weighing 12.4 kg using Amoksiklav 400mg + 57 mg / 5 ml (2x3.5 ml), he will take 560 mg of amoxicillin per day (with an acceptable range for this body weight from 560 mg-868 mg) and clavulanic acid 80 mg (with an acceptable daily dose from 80 mg - 125 mg).

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