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Ulas (Anonymous, 109.233.88.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Are there equivalents of Gabapentin Teva 100mg in smaller capsules?

Hello. I have a small dog who was prescribed Gabapentin Teva 100 mg twice a day by a doctor. Serving is an ordeal, because the dog is small and the capsules are large (15x5 mm) and inside the bitter contents. In connection with the above, I have a question, is there a smaller size replacement that would be more suitable for giving to a small dog?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Unfortunately, preparations containing Gabapentin in a dose of 100mg are usually available in capsules No. 3, with the size given by you, or there is no information about the size of the capsule. As for the size of the capsule, we are not able to change it, but you can find preparations that differ in auxiliary substances that will partially mask the bitter taste. The excipients that fill the Gabapentin Teva 100mg capsule are cornstarch and talc. There are capsules filled with lactose, which gives the powder a sweet taste. A preparation containing lactose is, for example, Gabagamma 100mg, Neurontin 100mg. If lactose is not contraindicated in the animal, the veterinarian will allow you to open the capsule and administer the contents itself, maybe changing to a preparation with lactose will allow easier administration of the powder. I enclose information about the availability of the drug Gabagamma and Neurontin 100mg: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/31727/gabagamma-100-kapsulki/apteki/w-warszawie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/52973/neurontin-100-kapsulki/apteki/w-warszawie

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