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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Majalo89 (Anonymous, 31.0.74.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I work in a powder paint shop if I have Gilbert's disease?

I have elevated bilirubin and have been diagnosed with Gilbert's disease, is it harmful for me to work in a powder coating shop and come into contact with powder coatings?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Gilbert's syndrome (a slight increase in bilirubin in the blood, genetically determined) is generally a mild disorder that does not pose a health risk and even does not require special treatment, except in rather rare cases when severe jaundice occurs. Some patients do not have any symptoms, some develop epigastric aches, gastric problems, fatigue. They are generally temporary. Gilbert's syndrome does not damage the liver. However, a healthy lifestyle is recommended, avoiding heavy physical exertion and alcohol. As for the possibility of working in a specific position in connection with the state of health, an appropriate opinion may be issued by an occupational medicine doctor. In the case of contact with chemicals, it is also advisable to use personal protective equipment and health and safety instructions in force in a given workplace.

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