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Dejv  (Anonymous, 77.46.72.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it from insulin to lose weight?

Hello if from the drug liprolog 100 units you can lose weight the same ???

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, Liprolog does not work as Trulicity. True, the drug Trulicity helps in the loss of excess kilograms (in combination with proper diet and physical activity). However, I suspect that in your case the problem with losing weight is only one aspect of treatment. Both medicines are prescription medicines, so the doctor who recommended the introduction of Trulicity should tell you how to proceed in this situation and whether and how to modify insulin treatment.

Dejv  (Anonymous, 5.173.129.) 2 years ago

This drug helps to lose weight is popular for women who want to lose weight and I just wanted to know if liprolog 100 the same has effects on weight loss

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

I do not fully understand the question - is it possible to lose weight from this drug as much as with another? What? Is it just possible to lose weight from this drug? Unfortunately, there is no single answer, because much depends on which patient is using insulin. Insulin Liprolog (insulin lispro) is usually used in patients with type 1 diabetes. In patients with type 2 diabetes also, but at fairly late stages of the disease. If we talk about type 1 diabetes, many patients have a problem with weight loss and can not gain weight. However, this is not in itself the effect of the drug, and the problem is very complex. Insulin does not cause weight loss. If type 1 diabetes was diagnosed recently, the problem with weight loss should normalize after some time. At the time of diagnosis, one of the symptoms is a very large weight loss. If a patient has been suffering from diabetes for some time and has a problem with too low body weight, it can have many reasons. Some patients, for example, as a result of fear of hypoglycemia (low sugar levels) do not want to give themselves larger amounts of the drug, so they also eat little (for a large meal you often have to give more insulin). This is just one possibility. The problem with weight loss can have many causes and it is worth consulting with a diabetologist at the next visit. I leave a link to the video where we explain more information about insulin:

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