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Anna (Anonymous, 77.254.8.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible that after choosing 8 tablets of Gynalgin, the infection does not go away?

Is it possible that after choosing 8 tablets of Gynalgin, the infection does not go away? Can it still work or is the drug wrongly chosen?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

After what time the effects of the drug will be visible depends on the severity of the infection and on individual factors. It is difficult to assess this without knowing your medical records. Gynalgin is a broad-spectrum drug. The product is effective in the treatment of vaginal inflammation caused by bacteria, protozoa (vaginal trichomoniasis) and fungi. Treatment with Gynalgin should last 10 days - after this time, the intimate infection should also be cured. If, after the expected time of use, there is no improvement, I encourage you to consult your doctor, who will recommend the appropriate therapeutic treatment for you. I enclose a description of the preparation you are taking: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/34072/gynalgin-tabletki-dopochwowe/ulotka I enclose additional information that may be helpful:


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