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Tomek (Anonymous, 89.64.2.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Why do I have to keep a 12-hour interval between doses of Zinnat when the doctor didn't tell me anything about it?

Hello, I take the drug zinnat 500 mg film-coated tablets, the doctor did not tell me anything that you need to keep a step of 12 hours, why is it important? I have purulent inflamed sinuses. Please odp

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Phlegamine and Guajazyl can enhance their effect, because both have an expectorant effect - they reduce the viscosity of secretions and facilitate its evacuation from the respiratory tract. If you have pus, it means that it was in the upper respiratory tract and the medications you were taking made it possible to remove it.

Tomek (Anonymous, 89.64.2.) 2 years ago

I still have a question. Is the drug phlegamine classic and guajazyl syrup not hinder themselves, because as in uloce writes phlegamine is a contorted drug and is supposed to cause cough, guajazyl also wykrzystusny but cough relieves. The ENT enrolled me both on the sinuses, except that I did not have a cough at all and after this phlegamine I also do not have a cough, but I have pus flowing, that is, as if the expectorant action is. How to understand it?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, Groprinosin Forte and Multilac do not need to be taken on an empty stomach. No, fiber does not interfere with the action of Zinnat.

Tomek (Anonymous, 89.64.2.) 2 years ago

Thank you I still have 2 pyt. or antiviral drug groprinozin forte and multilac I have to take on an empty stomach as somewhere I read about 2 hours after the meal and 2 before the next? , because it does not work well, because I am afraid of the intestines and zolodek so I do not eat drugs on an empty stomach. and how is it with the fiber or, for example, can the action of the drug zinnat?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, a 30-miunut difference will absolutely not affect the effectiveness of therapy.

Tomek (Anonymous, 89.64.8.) 2 years ago

Thank you for the clarification. can such a difference of about 30 minutes, one time, (I'm not exactly about which I took), can make it very difficult for me to heal sue or harm my health?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

It is important to maintain a 12-hour interval between doses of Zinnat at all times to maintain a certain concentration of the medicine in your blood so that it works properly. Too high a concentration (reducing the interval between doses) can provoke side effects, and too little - not sufficiently control the symptoms of the disease (therapy may be ineffective).

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