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Julia  (Anonymous, 83.22.112.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I had an intimate infection, and I am still accompanied by an unpleasant smell of intimate areas - what to do?

I had an intimate fungal infection I jumped a week ago to use pimafucort I still have a bad smell but it's so bad to feel but feel what I can use to get rid of this smell and can I use pimafucort or clotrimazolum

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

You can use both - the effects will be noticeable faster and you will protect yourself from another infection.

Julia  (Anonymous, 83.22.112.) 2 years ago

Is it enough if I use lactacide or do I also have to use gynecological probiotics

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If all the ailments have disappeared and you complain only about the unpleasant smell - please take care of the restoration of the physiological flora of the intimate areas. This can be done by washing yourself with specialized intimate hygiene preparations (e.g. Iladian, Lactacid) and by using gynecological vaginal probiotics (e.g. Lactovaginal, Provag). Creams and ointments of the Clotrimazolum and Pimafucort types fight fungal infections, not the unpleasant smell of intimate areas.

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