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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Anna (Anonymous, 83.4.27.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does it make sense to divide the 160 mg Valsacor dose into two doses of 80 mg every 12 hours and is it acceptable?

Good morning, for several days with a doctor's prescription I take Valsacor 160mg in place of Gopten2.0mg, which has not been available for months. Previously Gopten, and now Valsacor I take 1 time / day - in the morning. I have doubts about the choice of this new ACE- inhibitor for me, because in the evening I feel palpitations, and the blood pressure (now for 2 days) is at the level of approx. 150/100, with Goptan 2.0 it was about 140/80. Does it make sense to divide the 160mg Valsacor dose into two doses of 80mg every 12 hours and is it acceptable. Please comment, for which I thank you very much now.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Tabletkę leku Valsacor 160 mg można podzielić na dwie równe dawki, jednak dzielenie dawki oraz przyjmowanie jej w 12-godzinnych odstępach bez konsultacji z lekarzem, nie jest dopuszczalne.

Jeśli otrzymany lek powoduje, że źle się Pani czuje - powinna Pani porozmawiać na ten temat z lekarzem.

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