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Laura (Anonymous, 5.173.97.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to switch from Cliovelle to Cyclo-Progynova?

For several months I used Cyclo Progynova as HRT. Due to the lack of medicine in pharmacies, the gynecologist prescribed me Cliovelle. On the 10th day of taking these tablets, bleeding appeared, which lasts already two weeks without any interruptions, is often abundant and is accompanied by abdominal pain. Because there is a lot of discomfort for me after contact with the doctor, I was again prescribed Cyclo Progynova. Of the 28 Cliovelle tablets, I have only 5 left in the package. How to switch to Cyclo Progynova? Do I have to take a break between medications? Should I finish the packaging? I will add that there is still bleeding and there is no indication that it will subside, it does not weaken at all. Unfortunately, contact with my gynecologist outside the visit is difficult. Please help!

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Pierwszą tabletkę Cyclo-Progynova należy przyjąć w dniu, gdy rozpoczynałaby Pani nowy blister Cliovelle - czyli w Pani wypadku po wybraniu ostatnich 5 tabletek z aktualnego blistra - niezależnie od trwającego krwawienia.

Załączam linki do materiałów, które mogą Panią zainteresować:



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