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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kamila (Anonymous, 5.172.236.) Warszawa 2 years ago

From which drug does my head hurt?

I take telmisartan egis 80mg and beto 100zk and a few others and 3 diuretics for resistant pressure after adding these drugs and those diuretics from 3 weeks predictions every day hurts my head sick with migraines but these pains are daily before migraines I had 2 times a week now I can not control the pain anything even zolmilesem or steroids . Please from which drug can hurt me so much because it can no longer stand. Kamila

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Proszę podać nam nazwy wszystkich leków jakie Pani stosuje, także tych kilku innych i 3 moczopędnych, wtedy będziemy mogli pomóc.

Niestety, nie rozumiem zdania: "oporne po dodaniu tych leków i tych moczopędnych od 3 tyg przepowiednie codziennie boli mnie głowa".

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