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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kamila lat 29 (Anonymous, 31.0.39.) Warszawa 4 years ago

What kind of Nebu Dose should I use for dry cough and nasal discharge flowing down the throat, and what kind of nasal discharge should I use for wet cough? What inhalations work for dry and wet cough? Is it possible to combine several different inhalations during the day?

Hi what NEBU-DOSE to use for dry cough and discharge from the nose to the throat? And what kind of wet cough or any preparation works on dry and wet cough? Or can you leave a few types during the day? :)

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In the Nebu-Dose series, there are several different preparations available for different applications. Nebu-Dose products are available both online and in brick-and-mortar pharmacies.

In the case of dry and wet cough, it is recommended to use Nebu-Dose hyaluronic. It is a regular, 0.9% saline with the addition of sodium hyaluronate. Inhalation makes it easier to cleanse the bronchial tree of mucus. It reduces the viscosity and elasticity of the secretion. The addition of hyaluronan provides adequate hydration, protecting the mucous membrane from drying out:

In case of wet cough, it is recommended to use Nebu-Dose hypertonic. It is a hypertonic salt with a concentration of 3%. The preparation reduces swelling of the walls of the respiratory tract and stimulates the cough reflex. Improves breathing comfort and reduces the viscosity of mucus: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/52535/nebu-dose-hipertonic-plyn/apteki

In case of wet cough, it is also recommended to use Nebu-Dose Plus. It is a hypertonic solution of salt (3%) with the addition of sodium hyaluronate. It reduces the viscosity and elasticity of the secretion. It stimulates the cough reflex and facilitates the cleansing of the bronchial tree. The addition of hyaluronan provides adequate hydration, protecting the mucous membrane from drying out: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/98980/nebu-dose-plus-plyn/apteki

In case of wet cough, Nebu-dose Baby can also be used. It is a 1.5 % saline solution with a reducing viscosity and elasticity of the secretion. It stimulates the cough reflex and facilitates the cleansing of the bronchial tree. Improves breathing comfort: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/104524/nebu-dose-baby-plyn/apteki

In the case of wet cough, you can also use preparations made of ordinary saline (0.9%) - Nebu-Dose isotonic. The preparation reduces the viscosity and elasticity of the secretion. It reduces swelling of the walls of the airways and stimulates the cough reflex: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97737/nebu-dose-isotonic-sol-fizjologiczna-plyn/apteki

Different preparations from the Nebu-Dose series can be used during the day, depending on the patient's current needs. It is not recommended to inhale immediately before bedtime. Each of the preparations can be purchased in a stationary or online pharmacy. On our portal, you can compare their prices in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery.

In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

W poprzednich postach odpowiadaliśmy już na Pani/Pana pytania o podobnej treści i wyjaśnialiśmy, jakie leki może Pani/Pan ze sobą łączyć oraz w jaki sposób. Mimo zmiany imion, jesteśmy w stanie zauważyć po adresach IP oraz przedstawianym problemie, iż wpisy pochodzą od tej samej osoby.

Jeśli ma Pan jakiekolwiek wątpliwości co do zaordynowanego przez nas sposobu leczenia, prosimy o kontakt z lekarzem.

Odpowiadając na pytania pacjentów musimy mieć konkretne informacje, aby właściwie doradzić. Niestety, w tym przypadku nie jest to do końca możliwe, ponieważ zależnie od postu podaje Pani/Pan różne dolegliwości, np. kaszel od 2-3 tygodni lub kaszel od 3-4 tygodni, kaszel suchy lub kaszel mokry. Należy dokładnie określić swoje dolegliwości i skontaktować się z lekarzem, np. telefonicznie:

Odpowiedzi na wszystkie Pana/Pani pytania znajdzie Pani/Pan pod poniższymi adresami: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19392/levopront-dlaczego-przed-snem-meczy-mnie-suchy-kaszel-jesli-stosuje-pelafen-c - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19417/levopront-jakie-inhalacje-wykonywac-przy-odrywajacym-sie-kaszlu-ktory-jest-mec - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19455/nebu-dose-czy-mozna-laczyc-inhalacje-nebu-dose-hialuronic-z-ectodose - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19452/sinupret-co-robic-gdy-mam-kaszel-utrzymujacy-sie-od-3-4-tygodni

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