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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Anonimm (Anonymous, 80.153.77.) Warszawa 27 days ago

When can I start taking Ketrel every other day or stop taking it if I feel average after 4 days, especially in the evenings?

I was taking half a 5mg tablet. That's 2.5mg of olanzapine for 17 months. The doctor recommended me to take ketrel 25mg because without it the withdrawal may not work. I've been taking it for 4 days. It feels so average. The worst is in the evening. When can I start taking it every other day, discontinue it ?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

23 days ago

Discontinuation of psychotropic drugs such as olanzapine (Ranofren) should be carried out under close medical supervision. A sudden change in the dosage of antipsychotic drugs can lead to serious side effects and a recurrence of symptoms. It is normal for you to feel uncomfortable or average, especially when switching to a new medication such as quetiapine (Ketrel).

If you feel uncomfortable during the withdrawal process or want to change your dosage, talk to your doctor about it. You should never make changes to dosage without consulting as this can lead to unwanted side effects or worsening of symptoms. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


The GdziePoLek.pl service also allows you to book a drug at a selected stationary pharmacy and collect it upon presentation of a prescription:


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