Pipi Nitolic - preparaty na wszy i gnidy

Pipi Nitolic is a series of preparations comprehensively fighting images, focusing on the elimination of nits (eggs) and preventing the hatching of new parasites. Among the products are both those aimed at treating anchoy, as well as those supporting protection against its spread.

Nitolic Prevent Plus

aerosol, 75 milliliters

in 55% pharmacies

from 19.79 zł

Pipi Nitolic z grzebieniem

aerosol, spray 30 ml + grzebień

in 54% pharmacies

from 15.52 zł

from 9.90 zł

Pipi Nitolic Zestaw przeciw wszom

set, 1 set: 2 x 50 ml +2 x 20 ml + 20 ml +dodatki

in 35% pharmacies

from 25.90 zł

Pipi Nitolic Zestaw przeciw wszom

set, 1 set: 50 ml + 20 ml + 20 ml + dodatki

in 33% pharmacies

from 14.52 zł

Nitolic Prevent Plus

aerosol, 150 ml = 2 x 75 ml

in 27% pharmacies

from 15.00 zł

Pipi Nitolic zestaw do usuwania gnid

set, sachet 20 ml + grzebień

in 17% pharmacies

from 12.53 zł

Pipi Nitolic Zestaw leczenie i ochrona przed wszawicą

aerosol, 1 set: 50 ml + 30 ml + grzebień

in 15% pharmacies

from 29.95 zł

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