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Anna (Anonymous, 185.244.96.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Could I have harmed my baby if I was breastfeeding and applied Argosulfan to a burn wound?

For several days I used argosulfan on a burn wound. After this time, I learned that during breastfeeding the use of the drug is contraindication. I feed my 1.5 year old baby several times a day, could I have harmed him?

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Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

17 months ago

Topical products are absorbed into the general circulation to a small extent, so the chance that a significant amount of the drug has been introduced into milk is negligible. If you have not used a dressing in the breast area or for open wounds, the risk to the baby is practically zero. I will only add that according to the current recommendations of the Polish Society for wound treatment, Argosulfan is generally contraindicated in the treatment of burns. Specialized hydrogel dressings, such as AquaGel: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6773/aqua-gel-opatrunek/apteki Please note that Aqugel cannot be cut, will work much better here. You should regularly moisten the dressing with saline, e.g. Gilbert NaCl: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/32833/gilbert-nacl-0-9-sol-fizjologiczna-plyn/apteki Under AquaGel you can apply cooling, moisturizing and wound healing products, e.g. Sutrisept gel: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97192/sutrisept-zel/apteki The above products can be purchased with home delivery or booked at a nearby pharmacy via GdziePoLek.

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