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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Mama (Anonymous, 5.173.4.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How long after the pyrantelum treatment are pinworms visible in the feces?

Despite taking the second dose of pyrantelum four days ago, I feel as if there is something in my anus. And in the buy I see probably dead pinworms. Is this normal? Can I repeat the dose after these 4 days if anything?

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Mami (Anonymous, 46.134.97.) 2 years ago

I understand me in the pharmacy they said to take the 3rd dose only after 10 days that is on Wednesday. The pediatrician told me to give the child 3 doses because he had a lot and I was unfortunately from him. But I'm also afraid that pyrantelum is too weak because too many of them.

Mama (Anonymous, 5.173.11.) 2 years ago

I did not take 3 doses. I was recommended in the pharmacy only two. Now on Monday I will go to the doctor and ask for a stronger medicine. For now, I try to enrich my diet with water after cucumbers and garlic. Maybe by some miracle it will help.

Mami (Anonymous, 46.134.97.) 2 years ago

Did you take 3 doses help?

Mami (Anonymous, 46.134.97.) 2 years ago

I have the same after the first dose I had peace of mind I did not feel anything in the anus. After the second dose after 4 days I feel again as if something was going on in my anus. Now I do not know whether to repeat this 3rd dose, the doctor ordered 3 doses but at intervals of 10 days. The son had a lot of pinworms. I guess I do too.

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